Ensign Packaged Sewage Treatment Plants

Ensign Packaged Sewage Treatment Plants

ENSIGN BENEFITS Package Sewage Treatment Plant's (or PSTP's) are often a suitable option where groundwater in the surrounding environment is vulnerable, drainage field percolation values are restrictive, or direct discharge to watercourse or surface water sewer is the prefered discharge method.
In addition to the anaerobic digestion taking place in the primary settlement tank (as septic tanks) the Ensign unit allows the clarified water to pass into a second 'aeration' chamber where it is treated to remove the dissolved constituents. Here aerobic bacteria, supported by diffused air and mobile media, ensure full treatment is achieved before the treated effluent (and 'sloughed off' bacteria) flow to a final settlement chamber prior to discharge. For more information please read Marsh Sewage Treatement Brochure and Marsh Drainage Field Datasheet.